Blumat Digital

Get perfect control over irrigation measures with Blumat Digital!

The Blumat Digital Tensiometer ensures optimal control over water delivery. This meter accurately displays the soil moisture, allowing you to know precisely when your plant needs water.

100% certainty about the watering moment

The soil moisture is easily measured through suction tension. This tension arises because plants absorb water from the soil against the suction force of the ground. With a Tensiometer, you measure the soil moisture based on the suction tension. The suction force creates negative pressure in the meter tube, and you can read the tension from the display. This value represents the minimum suction force that the roots must exert to absorb water from the ground.


Functions in all types of soil and clay pellets. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

  • Planters
  • Perennial plants
  • Shrubs
  • Hedges
  • Fruit and vegetable growing
  • Garden business
  • Controlled overwintering of valuable plants

Operation of Blumat Digital Tensiometer

The operation of the Blumat Digital Tensiometer is based on measuring the suction tension in the soil, indirectly indicating the soil's moisture level. Here's how it works:

  1. Measuring Suction Tension
    The Tensiometer measures the suction tension in the soil. This tension arises as plants absorb water, creating a suction force in the soil. 
  2. Negative Pressure in the Tube
    The suction force creates negative pressure in the Tensiometer's tube.
  3. Reading the Display
    The tension is displayed on the digital screen of the Tensiometer. This number represents the minimum suction force exerted by the roots to absorb water from the soil. 
  4. Interpreting Moisture
    By interpreting the read suction tension, you can determine how moist the soil is and whether it's necessary to water the plants. 

In summary, the Blumat Digital Tensiometer provides an accurate measurement of suction tension in the soil, offering better insight into the soil's moisture status and helping you water your plants at the right time.

Absolutely simple operation

The simplest way to measure soil moisture. The best way to learn about your plants' water needs is to leave Blumat Digital in the same place.

Tip: If it is moved, it takes 2 to 3 hours to indicate an exact measurement result.


Do not immerse the unscrewed measuring head in water!

  1. Unscrew the measuring head.
  2. Place the plastic tube with ceramic tip in water for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Fill the plastic tube to the brim with tap water.
  4. Turn the measuring head back to the stop.
  5. Then insert about 15 to 18 cm deep into the outer part of the root zone, 5 to 8 cm from the tub edge in the case of tub plants.

With freshly repotted plants, turn the cone clockwise directly into the soft soil and then press the soil slightly.

In case of strong rooting or in very firm soil, pierce a suitable hole (preferably with the Blumat Corer) in the outer root zone. Fill the hole halfway with loose soil and water after. Then turn the Blumat Digital clockwise into the soil, fill the hole and then press the soil slightly.

TIP: The Blumat Corer is precisely adapted to the shape of the Blumat Digital and is the tool par excellence for placing the Blumat Digital.


After 2 to 3 hours, the first measurement can be taken. Press the power button briefly – the measurement result will be displayed on the screen for 10 seconds.