
The Blumat.nl website has been created with the utmost care; however, it is possible that not all information on this website is current, correct, and/or complete at any given moment. Product images may differ in color or otherwise. The content of this website is for general information purposes only. No rights can be derived from the information, including prices. Our General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, products, and services from Blumat.nl.

Misuse of products purchased from Blumat.nl is always and solely at the customer’s risk. Blumat.nl can in no way be held liable for this in any form. We reserve the right to disclaim any liability in all such cases immediately. Liability always rests with the customer.

Blumat.nl accepts no liability, obligation, or responsibility for any incorrect or incomplete information on our website. Blumat.nl accepts no liability for any direct, incidental, or indirect damage arising from or in any way related to the use and/or visit of, or the temporary unavailability of, our website or parts thereof. Blumat.nl reserves the right to make additions, improvements, and/or changes to the website and this disclaimer at any time without prior notice.

All intellectual property rights on the entire website and all its individual components are wholly owned by Blumat.nl and/or partners. Copying and/or using information from our website is not allowed without prior written permission.

All prices are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Our General Terms and Conditions apply to all our products.